Recommandations aux auteurs
1 – General rules
- The articles are written in French, English, or Arabic.
- Manuscripts submitted to the BJMS must be original, i.e. they must not have been previously published, nor be submitted to or in the process of being published in any other journal.
- Manuscripts should be sent on a PC or Macintosh computer, by e-mail, in Word format (.doc or .docx) to the following e-mail address: and via the ASJP’s submission platform using the following link:
- Articles will only be accepted for publication after having been submitted to the editorial board (1st stage) which essentially verifies the submission’s compliance with the BJMS editorial rules and the reading committee (2nd stage) which verifies the originality and scientific relevance of the submission.
- Once the article is accepted for review, the authors must confirm their authorship.
- The corresponding author must submit the answers to the reviewers’ questions and comments on the ASJP platform within one month.
- Once the paper has been accepted for publication, the corresponding author must attach to the corrected manuscript the ICMJE conflict of interest declaration form ( as well as the authorship form. .
2 – Preparing the manuscript :
Articles are typed in Times New Roman or equivalent, 12-point font, double-spaced (approx. 2,000 characters including spaces per page).
On the cover page, authors should put their surname, first names, affiliation, and address, as well as the contact details of the corresponding author (e-mail, telephone) where they can be reached.
The first page includes the title of the article, an abstract (maximum 350 characters), and keywords (maximum 5). Original articles should be accompanied by a structured abstract (Objective, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusion). Abstracts of clinical cases or reviews do not need to be structured.
The title should be as brief and understandable as possible.
The text should follow the usual drafting style according to the form of the article (see below); Diagrams and figures, as well as tables, should appear on separate pages, with their captions, after the references. Tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals.
References: they must be written on separate pages, including only those references cited in the article. References are listed in order of appearance (from 1 to n) in the text. The citation is called by the reference number in brackets or square brackets. The numbers associated with the documents will be found in the list of bibliographical references.
- Calls for citations are inserted after the cited or paraphrased text and before the point.
- If a reference is cited more than once, it retains the same number.
- When the author’s name is cited in the text, the citation call will preferably follow the author’s name.
- If the cited document has more than one author, and you wish to mention the names of the authors in your text, you can mention the name of the first author followed by “et al.
- When the author’s name is cited in the text, the citation call will preferably follow the author’s name.
- If the cited document has more than one author, and you wish to mention the names of the authors in your text, you can mention the name of the first author followed by “et al.
- If there are more than 6 authors, mention the first 6 authors separated by a comma, followed by the mention et al.
- To use a graphic or diagram, you must obtain prior permission from the author or copyright holder and correctly cite the source.
- References will be written in accordance with Vancouver standards (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals).
- DOIs as well as all Pubmed identifiers (PMID, PMCID) for referenced articles, should be stated wherever available.
Example :
- Gacem H, Beriala HNI, Hamzi A, el al. Les interactions médicamenteuses en clinique : étude prospective ciblant un service de cardiologie. Batna J Med Sci 2014;1(1):2-6. BJMSoa.2014.1102.
- Rosen HR. Chronic hepatitis C infection. N Engl J Med. 2011; 364:2429-2438. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp1006613. PMID: 21696309.
3 – Manuscript Types :
• Editorials: often commissioned by the editorial board – Should not exceed 2500 words and 20 references. – No abstracts.
• Reviews: including literature reviews and meta-analyses. – Not to exceed 4500 words and 60 references. – Abstracts are not structured.
• Original articles: – The abstract and text should be structured (introduction or objective, methods, results, discussion, conclusion). – Not to exceed 4500 words and 40 references.
• Case report: – The abstract should not be structured – The text must be structured (introduction, observation, discussion, conclusion).
– Not to exceed 2500 words and 20 references.
4- Manuscript Peer Review Process :
Each manuscript submitted to the BJMS undergoes three different evaluations:
- The editorial staff carries out an initial evaluation of the manuscript as to its scope, relevance, quality, originality, interest for the readership, etc. The manuscript is also subjected to an active search for plagiarism.
- It will then be sent for a second evaluation or rejected if it does not meet the criteria.
- The second evaluation of the manuscript is carried out in a double-blind way (Double-blind peer review) by two external reviewers chosen by the editorial staff.
- The editorial staff will take into account the opinions of the two experts and decide whether to accept, reject, or request a review.
- If the decision is revision, the author will have sufficient time to review the comments and revise the manuscript.
- The author must ensure that his or her response and the revised manuscript correctly address all points raised by the reviewers and/or the editorial staff.
- The revised manuscript will be re-evaluated one last time by the editorial staff before being put into pdf format, then a notification of acceptance is sent to the author.
5- Plagiarism policy :
Plagiarism is defined as the reproduction of another author’s work with great similarity and without quotation. BJMS do not tolerate plagiarism in any of its publications
Any paper submitted will be actively investigated for plagiarism by the BJMS editorial staff through appropriate plagiarism checking tools and if there is sufficient evidence of plagiarism:
- prior to acceptance, the paper is immediately rejected and the author is informed.
- After the acceptance of the manuscript, the author will assume all legal consequences. The manuscript will be withdrawn and the author will no longer be able to publish articles in BJMS.